Wednesday, February 1, 2017

The Minimalist Cottage


I am excited to embark on this journey with you through minimalist living--focusing on your home, health, and what's going on in the kitchen!  Sometimes, though, minimalism can take on different meanings depending on who is talking about it.

Here's what minimalism means to me...

Minimalism allows you to enjoy living while focusing less on the "things" in your life. While some minimalists insist you need to own less than 100 items and throw everything else out, I interpret minimalism as way of life, a mindset, and a gateway into conscientious living.

Living in a cottage that is less than 500 square feet and owning a lot of "stuff" that I had to constantly maintain is what brought me to this point in my life.  I felt stressed and unhappy when I came home only to have to pick up "stuff" and spend my weekends maintaining all the "things."

More than anything, I wanted to spend my free time outdoors, reading, or spending time with family and instead I was spending time with "things."  And so, I began 2017 by integrating this mindset into my day to day life.

First and foremost, minimalism taught me to slow myself and take on one aspect at a time. So here I am, sharing this journey and my experience of living minimally with you.

I have three realms of focus to help you not only begin to get into the minimalist mindset, but also enjoy what you're doing!
  • HOME
    • I will be sharing details on how to begin to have less, functional organization, and DIY cleaning ideas that won't break the bank.
    • From recipes to the best kitchen utensils, I will be sharing my passion for cooking and how I am incorporating minimalism into my culinary habits.
    • Homemade facials, homeopathic remedies, and healthy alternatives to staple hygiene items like soaps and lotions offer a new minimalist mindset into your everyday routine.
The minimalist lifestyle is for everyone. Let me show you some of the places where you can start!

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